“Carta di identità”: what is it and how to get one?

The carta di identità is an identity document issued by local town halls to all residents. To get a carta di identità you need to be resident in that comune, therefore you need to be registered in the anagrafe of that comune. You can apply…

Move to Italy FAQ 2

1. Can I buy a property in Italy if I’m not a citizen nor resident? Yes, you can if Italian citizens are allowed to buy a property in your country. This is called reciprocity. 2. Can I get a loan in Italy to buy a property if I’m not…


The school is open to all: art.34 of the Italian Constitution expressly says so; and it is compulsory to receive an education for at least 10 years. An alternative to attending traditional schools is represented by parental education, also…

MOVE TO ITALY: a brief overview for non-EU citizens

Moving to a foreign country may be stressful and it can be even more stressful when the sequence of steps to take is not clear. This is a very brief overview of the process for non-EU citizens, who are not family members of EU or Italian citizens. 1.…

Move to Italy FAQ 1

1. Do I need a codice fiscale to live in Italy? You need it for a number of things: for buying, renting, opening a bank account, buying a mobile sim card, etc., so if you are considering to move to Italy, the sooner you get it, the better it…

Tips for living in Italy

Sometimes it happens that people, who just moved to Italy, don’t know some important rules and after a few years (or even a few months) they find themselves in trouble. For this reason, I thought I’d summarise some rules to abide by. RESIDENCY 1. Register…

Let’s talk about the “codice fiscale”

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The codice fiscale - fiscal code – is an alphanumeric code, based on your name, place of birth and date of birth. It is assigned to all Italian citizens at birth and it lasts forever, i.e. it does not have an expiry date, nor it needs…