EU citizens and their family members

Moving to Italy is fairly easy if you are an EU citizen as you don’t need a visa.

Once you have selected the town you want to live in and have found a place to stay, you need to register at the anagrafe of your local Townhall – Comune. The anagrafe is the register of all the people living in that Comune. In order to register, you need to submit some documents, according to your specific situation.

If you don’t have a job in Italy, as a general rule you need:
– registered rental contract (tourist rentals are not accepted) or title deeds;
– bank statements proving you can support yourself;
– private health insurance.

If you have a job in Italy, as a general rule you need:
– registered rental contract (tourist rentals are not accepted) or title deeds;
– job contract (if employed) or P. Iva (if self-employed).

Our assistance includes advice on documents required, check of documents, assistance in filling in forms, and step by step guidance. Our assistance lasts the entire processing time until the registration is complete, so that you can always have someone to turn to for support and to ask questions.

Do not hesitate to contact us for an informative consultation or for full support throughout the registration process.

Non-EU family members of EU citizens can move to Italy fairly easily, irrespective of their nationality.

Family members can join EU citizens in Italy when the EU citizen has a job in Italy or can provide for them anyway. Family members’ income may be counted towards this requisite. However, family members may need a visa to enter Italy, according to their nationality.

Once in Italy, family members need to apply for a carta di soggiorno at the local questura. To obtain the carta di soggiorno, family members need to submit some documents, essentially proving the family relationship and that the EU citizen can support them financially.

To obtain the carta di soggiorno, family members need to submit, among others:

– the visa, when necessary
– proof of the family relationship
– proof the EU citizen is resident in Italy
– proof that the EU citizen can support them
– proof they have a place to live in Italy.

In addition to applying for the carta di soggiorno, family members need to register at the anagrafe of the municipality where the EU citizen is already resident.

Our assistance includes advice on the type of evidence required to prove the family relationship and income, checking documents, assistance in filling in forms, and step by step guidance throughout the process. Our assistance lasts the entire processing time until the carta di soggiorno is issued, so that you can always have someone to turn to for support and to ask questions.

Do not hesitate to contact us for an informative consultation or for full support throughout the application process.

Contact us

Barbara De Benedittis
Relocation and Legal in Italy

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© 2023 Barbara De Benedittis | Relocation and Legal in Italy | Legal assistance and help moving to Italy | Immigration, Property, Visa and Residency | Site by Dialogue