
The school is open to all: art.34 of the Italian Constitution expressly says so; and it is compulsory to receive an education for at least 10 years.
An alternative to attending traditional schools is represented by parental education, also known as “homeschooling” or “home education”.

If parents decide to directly provide for the education of their children, they must issue a specific declaration to the head teacher of their local school, stating that they have the technical or economic capacity to provide such education.

The school director has the duty to verify the reliability of these declarations.
The student’s parents, or those who exercise parental responsibility, are required to submit such communications to the school director of the area they live every year.

Also, each year these students take an exam as external candidates at a public or private school (actually at a paritaria school, which is a private school recognised by the government) for moving on to the next class, until they complete their compulsory education.

The school that receives the request for parental education is required to monitor that the pupil complete their compulsory education. It is not only the school director who is responsible for monitoring the student’s education, but also the mayor of the town the pupil and their family live.

This article is not exhaustive and is a guidance only.

Sources : https://www.miur.gov.it/istruzione-parentale


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Barbara De Benedittis Relocation and Legal in Italy