Let’s talk about the “codice fiscale”

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The codice fiscale – fiscal code – is an alphanumeric code, based on your name, place of birth and date of birth.

It is assigned to all Italian citizens at birth and it lasts forever, i.e. it does not have an expiry date, nor it needs to be periodically renewed.

It is required to do almost everything: to have health cover, to buy a mobile SIM card, to open a bank account, to buy a property, etc.

Foreigners who wish to move to Italy or to simply buy a property in Italy need a fiscal code and can apply for it at their local Italian consulate, which may take some time to issue it, or at any Agenzia delle Entrate office in Italy, where, submitting the required documentation, the code should be issued on the spot. In both cases, it is free. It is also possible to use agencies to get the code from the Agenzia delle Entrate, and save some stress, for a fee. Our team can also do that for you, if you need.

It is recommended not to use the free tools available online to work out fiscal codes: those codes would not be valid if not registered in the Agenzia delle Entrate database. After all, with the issuing of the code being free, there is really no point in using those tools.

Please note: holders of a codice fiscale are not bound to pay taxes in Italy if they are not full-time resident in Italy.
Also, having the codice fiscale does not give any right to reside in Italy.

This article is not exhaustive and is a guidance only.

If you need assistance, please contact us.


Barbara De Benedittis Relocation and Legal in Italy