Meet us

Born and raised in Rome, I earned a Master’s degree in Law and worked as a trainee barrister in a civil law firm before joining the legal department of a major bank in Italy. I then moved to the UK with my husband where we raised our two children. During this time, I found myself giving lots of advice to people seeking to relocate to Italy – so much so that I found it only natural to make it my job. I always kept strong ties with my home country, so I brought together a fantastic team of established professionals with whom we will look after your case until completion.

Whether you are looking to buy a property in Italy, apply for a visa or need help to obtain the codice fiscale, I will be your main point of contact and will organise all the work required to meet your goal. I’m pragmatic, down to earth, and extremely focused. I will provide you with all the support you need to smoothly settle down in Italy. Even if you don’t speak Italian, there is no need to worry – I will always be by your side.
Barbara De Benedittis
Andrea Balducelli

Member of the Rome Bar Association – Albo Avvocati di Roma – since 2002.
Barrister at the Italian Supreme Court – Corte di Cassazione – since 2015.
Main areas of practice: immigration law, citizenship, auctions, employment law, civil law, litigation.

Andrea Bertazzoni

Chartered accountant and auditor, registered in the Albo Professionale Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili and in the register of Revisori Contabili since 2008. Partner at Studio Bianco-Bertazzoni e Associati.
Main areas of practice: corporate and bank consulting, tax consulting, non-profit organisations, expats tax, inpatriates tax schemes, tax litigation.

Italo De Benedittis

Member of the Rome Bar Association – Albo Avvocati di Roma – since 2003
Barrister at the Italian Supreme Court – Corte di Cassazione – since 2015
Main areas of practice: property law, civil law, employment law, family law, citizenship, litigation.

Luca Palumbo

Notaio in Rome.
Registered with the Ordine dei Notai since 2012.
Main areas of practice: property transactions, donations, contracts, company incorporations.

Antonio Strangio

Member of the Locri Bar Association – Albo Avvocati di Locri – since 2022.
Main areas of practice: international wills and testaments, inheritance law, family wealth protection, succession planning

Contact us

Barbara De Benedittis
Relocation and Legal in Italy

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© 2023 Barbara De Benedittis | Relocation and Legal in Italy | Legal assistance and help moving to Italy | Immigration, Property, Visa and Residency | Site by Dialogue