Move to Italy: FAQ 3

1. Will I have to pay taxes in Italy if I live there? If you are resident in Italy, as a general rule, you have to declare all your worldwide income and assets. Bilateral treaties, though, avoid double taxation. Specific tax schemes/rules may exclude your incomes/assets from taxation.

2. Can I work in Italy? Yes, you can, if your visa/permesso di soggiorno allows that. EU citizens can work in Italy.

3. What is the permesso di soggiorno? It is your permit to live in Italy.

4. Shall I apply for the permit of stay if I already have the visa? Absolutely yes, the visa is the permit to enter Italy, you need the permit of stay to live in Italy.

5. When should I apply for the permit of stay? You should apply within 8 days from entering Italy.

6. Where should I apply for the permit of stay? Your local Questura is the authority entitled to deal with your permit of stay. You send them your application through the post office.

7. Is the permit of stay permanent? Nope, you need to periodically renew it. After a number of years, you can obtain a permanent one.

8. Do I get residency when I get the permit of stay? Technically you get residency when you are registered in the Anagrafe of your comune.

This article is not exhaustive and is a guidance only.

You can find “Move to Italy: FAQ 1” here.
You can find “Move to Italy: FAQ 2” here.

If you need assistance with your move to Italy, please contact us.


Barbara De Benedittis Relocation and Legal in Italy