Move to Italy FAQ part 4

1. When shall I register in a Comune as resident? You need to register as resident in a Comune as soon as you move there or as soon as you obtain your permit of stay.

2. How can I register as a resident in a Comune? You need to contact the Anagrafe office of your Comune and provide some documents. Some Comunes allow online registration.

3. What is the carta di identità? It is an identity document issued by your Comune.

4. Is the carta di identità proof that I have the right to live in Italy? Nope, that is only an identity document.

5. Is it compulsory to have the carta di identità? Nope, but it is very useful to have it since it is widely used in Italy.

6. How can I get a carta di identità? After you register as resident in your Comune, you can apply to your Comune for the carta di identità.

7. What is the tessera sanitaria? It’s a card issued to all people resident In Italy who are entitled to use the Italian health service.

8. When can I get the Tessera Sanitaria? You can get the Tessera Sanitaria after you register as resident in your Comune.

See also FAQ 1, FAQ 2, FAQ 3

This article is not exhaustive and is a guidance only

If you need assistance with your move, please do get in touch.

Barbara De Benedittis Relocation and Legal in Italy