Which vehicle for non-resident in Italy?

If you have a property in Italy and are not resident, you may need to have a vehicle to move around, especially if you are in a remote area.

If you are not resident, however, you cannot buy a vehicle, since proof of residency is required to register it.

Basically, all vehicles with a number plate have to be registered, hence, the vehicles you can buy are those which do not have a number plate and do not require registration: electric scooters (monopattino) and electric bikes.

Be aware that if the e-bike can go over km25/hour, it is subject to the same rules valid for motorcycles, hence it must be registered and therefore you cannot buy it.

So, no mopeds, no minicars, no vespas and no lambrettas (I know the last twos are the dream of many).

This article is not exhaustive and is a guidance only.

Barbara De Benedittis Relocation and Legal in Italy